Why am I getting an 'error acces denied' message on my iOS device

Why am I getting an 'error acces denied' message on my iOS device

If you use WeSeeDo you'll get an notification to accept the camera. If you denied the camera before on this device the camera can't be approach anymore and it's not possible to start a video call. By following the next steps you can accept the camera again.
  1. Go to your settings of your device
  2. Open the app 'Safari'
  3. Open the tab 'Camera'
    Choose camera
  4. press 'Ask' by acces to camera on all websites
    Allows to ask
  5. Go back to Safari settings
  6. Open the tab 'Microphone'
    Choos microphone
  7. press 'Ask' by acces to microphone an all websites
    Allow to ask
  8. Close the settings of your device and try again

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